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Video chat with Zoom / Teams / Meet / Skype and Webcams

video chat

See your Friends / Relatives and get Free Calls

Virtual meetings / Video conferencing has really took off during the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020. Skype was the original video calling program. These type of programs allow you to make free video phone calls to other people. Great for keeping in touch with friends and relatives in another country or work colleagues working from home.

I can setup Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and webcams, test it's all working, and then show you the basics of using them.

Most modern laptops have a webcam built in to the top edge of the screen, along with a microphone and speakers. Desktop PCs will need both a webcam, speakers and a microphone.

For smartphones and tablets it's just an App away.

Zoom, Skype, Teams, Meet are registered trademarks and are NOT associated with Computer Flu.

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